Here's a different post for a change! I love some of the flowers that are blooming so beautifully with all the rain and warm temps here are a few photos from around our yard and garden...
The Dogwood is loaded with "Pixie Pink" blooms this year! We have tried growing a Dogwood three times now...the first one got a blight which killed it.
Then about three years ago,we planted another one, which did well until we needed a new septic system the February after we planted it-and it was dug up-but it didn't make it.
After the septic was finished, we decided to try one more time...last year it hardly bloomed-but this year it is gorgeous!
This is the shot of the two different Clematis varieties we planted around our mailbox (it is faded, but yes, the mailbox is stamped!).
The next photo will show the flowers up close...
This is the solid purple one..."Lovely Lilac", wouldn't you agree?
and this one is a lovely striped variety....definitely "Orchid Opulence"! Aren't they beautiful? The plants are literally loaded with these huge 6" flowers!
This is the miniature "Pink Passion" rose bush that my husband gave me for Mother's Day...sorry-it' very blurred! I love
these-I always plant them in the yard and each year they come back bigger and better!
In case you are not familiar with Stampin' Up!, all the colors in italic are actually Stampin' Up! ink and papers colors! You can view all 54 of Stampin' Up!'s colors (including 6 IN Colors that change every year, plus neutrals too-one pages 163-164 of Stampin' Up!'s Spring Summer 2008 Catalog Collection or view them online HERE. (I had to be sure that SOMETHING in this post is stamping related!) I feel some inspiration coming on to use these beautiful colors together for my next card! I love getting inspiration for card-making from the beauty around us...The current IN Colors will be retiring with this catalog and six brand new In Colors will be coming out in August! Here is a SNEAK PEAK of the 2008-2009 IN Colors that will be in the Fall-Winter Stampin' Up! Catalog:
It's tough to make out the pink from this photo, but it's definitely a pale pink...aren't these colors great?
That's all for now...I have more but my card isn't being recognized by the computer for some reason...I'll try again later.
It's going to be a hot one the upper 90's! The family is going to check out the happenings at our town's annual outdoor event called Hardyston Day at Wheatsworth's a fun day with rides, food, variety shows, craft tables etc. (I'm glad I'm not a crafter this year-it's going to be a hot, hot day!). Our son is an EMT so they have a booth there...we told him we would stop by and say hi!
Tomorrow is our annual church picnic at the Franklin Pavilion...we actually have our church service there first, with a keyboard and amps...along with some members who play brass instruments. The kids get their annual awards, then it's food galore and games all afternoon!
So we have a weekend of fun ahead...hope yours is great too!